I forgot to mention how Sinta worked non stop to get the 50 bags completed by yesterday morning. They look fantastic! (ok i am biased)!!
We made them in a variety of colours, and she even made a few with different pocket variations.
On Thursday afternoon i was rung with a request fro some simple calico party bags. So I drew up a pattern and went and chatted with Sinta and we discovered... we had exactly enough calico to cut the 24 requested! EXACTLY! not a cm spare. Miracle? Anyway, she being the special person she is, after finishing the last bag, started cutting the calico, and had party bags all finished by closing time.... Another filled order. So whats next week???
I promise i will take some pics and add them soon!
They do look fantastic. Thank you to Sinta who worked so very hard to get them completed in time for our Church visitors to bring them back home with them!