Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A new employee?

Yesterday I spoke with Sinta about trying to find another sewer.  She mentioned that she had a friend who trained with her, and earlier in the year she asked about work... So we rang her up, and she visited today.  She is very shy, but seems sweet.  Her name is Blundina. Sinta suggested starting her on a lower wage for a month as a trial, at $3/day.  Oh im finding it hard to swallow... I asked her Sinta a few times...only $3? She assured me that was the right thing to do.... hopefully she can start ASAP, too help sew the cloth books.

1 comment:

  1. wow, $3 per day is incredible! i hope she turns out to be a great, reliable worker and enables greater turnover! what a great job you are doing!!
