Monday, March 31, 2014


Its been an exciting few weeks.  I have been busy nutting out details of many of the new ideas.

Firstly come April 1st we will be changing the business structure in a few positive ways

  1. Emmy will become manager
  2. Salaries will have a partial base rate plus a percentage of profits (A staggered process from me paying all salaries to me paying none.)
  3. Bookkeeping will be done weekly by Emmy and Serenity (with me training and assisting)
  4. Opening Hours will increase back to 5 days a week, and will be open 8:30-5 – even through lunch. (An unusual concept in Timor) 
  5. I will be stepping back even more from sales, marketing etc 
  6. I also designed a new simpler logo and am in the process of ordering clothing labels

Secondly we have begun a loyalty card for clothing alterations.  We printed some colourful cards with 10 smiley faces.  We also bought a smiley stamper.  For every 10 alterations, they get one free.  The local customers are loving this concept.

Thirdly and most exciting for me, is that we are commencing a monthly Gift Club.  This will be a subscription service, with club members receiving a surprise gift each month – home delivered! Their fee will also fund a monthly donation of 1 woman’s health pack to a clinic such as Bairo Pite.  Currently this service will only be available to residents of Dili, HOWEVER we are investigating the possibility of offering a mailed gift version to Australian Residents, so keep an eye out over the next few months for more information.
 Heres a look at the brochure:
(If you would like to join, either pop into Belekria shopfront or email: or you can also ring me on 77265308)


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