Due to Demands we offer:
Womens Health Packs
Belekria can supply 4 styles of health kits, a Menstrual Hygiene Management
(MHM) Pack, a Mini MHM pack, a Complete Sanitation Pack and Personalised Packs.
MHM Pack
2 Regular cloth pads
1 belted cloth pad OR
1 night length pad
5 extra inserts
2 pair underpants
1 ziplock bag
4 safety pins
1 instruction pamphlet
1 medium drawstring bag
Mini MHM Pack
1 standard cloth pad
1 belted cloth pad
4 extra inserts
1 pair underpants
1 ziplock bag
Instruction pamphlet
1 small drawstring bag
Complete Sanitation Pack
1 complete MHM pack (see left) +
1 additional regular cloth pad
1 toothbrush & toothpaste
1 soap & face washer
1 nail clipper & 1 file or manicure set
1 comb
1 pocket pack tissues
1 nail brush
1 large draw string bag
Personalised Packs
We are happy to create personalised health packs, and can
also prepare other types of packs including education packs. Contact us with your request and we can
provide cost options accordingly.