I love using excel. Just thought id share that with you. It does explain why i have a very detailed file with lots of separate pages of numbers and figures for all sorts of things related to
bellekria. Of course there is a costing page, which works out how much each item costs, and what profit you get for the suggested retail price. Then there are pages to do with employee details including loans management, pay packet tools and prices of all materials. Just to name a few

Anyway, of course the most important excel file is the monthly profit and loss. Sinta keeps a daily paper record of all sales, and at the end of the month passes them onto me along with any receipts and a chart detailing what days each employee worked. I enter all this data, and add in any extras including their pay. I have just been using the same file since i opened the sewing room, and it has always been in the red by a few hundred (ok, 9 hundreds to be more accurate). Anyway I thought I would try the novel idea of working out the profit/loss just from this current year. I wanted to see how much the business had needed support each month to function. So I entered the data in like this:
And then i averaged it out to see what the average monthly loss was –ok i admit it… I'm naturally pessimistic) and lo and behold I got a profit of around $3 each month!! Wow!! So there you go. It hasn't cost me anything – in terms of dollars and cents.
What a miracle – Thanks to God and all the wonderful donations of materials which really help in a huge, HUGE way.
So aside from the numerical figures, together we have been able to give full time employment to 5 women (with feminine figures ha ha). Three of whom have taken out home loans from us, making monthly repayments through their salary.

Sinta, with her husband Apoli and two nieces are standing proudly outside of their newly finished home.
Ana also took out a home loan to assist in finishing her new home- pictured here with her husband, young son and lots of family to help celebrate moving in.

Novi has also taken out a home loan to help finish her house for her husband and young daughter.
Amona (Nona) is very grateful to be employed. Not only does it provide an income for her household, but it gives her a daily activity to help her cope with some difficult family issues.
Ange has been travelling from the other side of the city, and has been grateful for an income to assist with the costs of raising her 4 young children.